Written: Floréal CCXXX
Topic: Media Analysis
For: Bloodborne
To talk about Bloodborne, you must first talk about H.P. Lovecraft. In this essay I discuss the similarities between Bloodborne and its cosmic horror ancestor, along with the ways it is intrinsically, thematically, different and improved. It's half an analysis half a lore interpretation, and written for a friend who has not played it.
Written: Pluviôse CCXXX
Topic: Character design
For: Hollow Knight
An anonymous individual asked me about my notes and process regarding my Hollow Knight humanizations. Here's an adapted and cleaned up version of the rather long response I wrote.
Written: Frimaire CCXXX
Topic: Opinion
There seems to be a sort of air around being an artist-- or, to be more specific: beginning to make art, when you have not previously. As someone who draws not infrequently, I get it a lot.