Image Description: Two views of Sarajan Meriwether standing, a neutral frown on his face, with different clothes between each view. Sarajan is a short-bodied brown man with a square-ish face and straight, black hair that falls to around the nape of his neck and is parted in the center. He has a straight-bridged wide nose and scarring across the lower left cheek and extending from his right brow to his forehead. He wears a band collar white shirt with a long, red strip of fabric wrapped around and knotted like a tie or bandana. He has a round-collared navy blue double-breasted waistcoat, over which is wrapped a red sash around his waist. He has darker grey-blue pinstriped pants, over which he has laced leather leg supports. Over those and his black shoes he has white spatterdashes. He has a short jacket, black in base but with vibrant red, purple, and yellow embroidery with geometric elements-- triangles, circles, squares, and stripes. The second view has a grey-black greatcoat with a capelet over his ensemble, and he wears a fisherman's cap. End ID.

Image Description: Two views of Adjoçe Meriwether standing. He is a tall and lanky brown man with a long, somewhat gaunt face, short cropped hair, and a thin moustache. In his right hand he holds a cane with a bone grip. He has a red headband wrapped twice around his forehead and knotted in the front. The first view has him with a standing collar, green patterned tie, brown round-collar waistcoat, and black frock coat and pants. The second view has him in traditional Mavonian surgeon's clothes, with a high-collared white robe, with closures on the far right of his chest area, and an emblem of a vulture on the left breast. He has an off-white apron and sleeve protectors. His hands are bare. End ID.

Image Description: Two views of Ilesse Fasin. She is a thin, tall, and pale woman with freckling all over her face, an aquiline nose, and brown-red curly hair that is cropped short. The first view has her in a black hat with decorative feather elements, and mannish but still feminine garments: a white shirt, green-ish waistcoat, red sash around the waist, brown jacket with puffed shoulders, and a long dark brown skirt. The second view has her in men's clothes: a collared shirt and tie, navy-blue single-breasted waistcoat, brown short jacket with textured cloth, brown breeches, tartan socks, and long white spatterdashes over black shoes. End ID.

Sarajan, Adjoçe, & Ilesse

for L'Ecchiraz; Prairial CCXXXI, digital.

Had more fun with these than expected!

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