Image Description: A scene bathed in golden light. Down a walkway walks Rodion Raskolnikov, dressed in the coronation robes of Napoleon I, hands stained with blood, as he moves to raise a wreath of golden leaves up, about to place it on his head. He is watched by the four icons on the wall: Sonya, Razumikhin, Avdotya, and Porfiry; all with gilded haloes. Also on the wall are intricate floral designs, along with two robed figures that hold an axe between the two of them. Watching the scene from a shadowed, tucked away window is the real Raskolnikov-- hunched, wide-eyed, carrying the bloody axe himself, under the sky's watchful eye. End ID.

The Coronation of Rodion Raskolnikov

fanart for Crime and Punishment, Brumaire CCXXX, digital.

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